Can You Trust Zillow to Find the True Value of Your Arizona Home?

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Today, we want to discuss an important topic in our hot market. As more and more buyers flood the Arizona market, people are turning to online evaluation sites like Zillow to find their home values. Today, we answer the question: How accurate are Zillow's home evaluations?

There is no way a computer can do what a human can do when it comes to evaluating a home's value. There are a lot of factors that go into a home's value, and some of them can only be accounted for by physically visiting the property, which a computer is obviously incapable of. For example, location, configuration, and the condition of a property can only be evaluated by a real person!

If you would like to get a true, accurate home evaluation, or if you have any real estate questions, give us a call or shoot us an email. We would love to give you a hand any way we can!