Phoenix: The Tale of Two Markets

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I think a lot of people are confused as to what is actually happening in the Phoenix real estate market.

The truth is that if your home is worth less than $350K, the market is absolutely on fire. If you're looking to sell a home in this range, you can expect multiple offers from buyers. A friend of mine recently listed their $280,000 home, and they got 15 offers and 

sold for $300,000 in just a couple of days!

If you have a property worth more than $350K, you should take a look at the days on market to determine how quickly you might be able to sell the home. It's a much different market for homes that are worth more.

This isn't such great news for buyers, but there are deals out there. You just have to be quick and prepared to pull the trigger at all times. You can take comfort in the fact that interest rates are sitting at historic lows, so you have a chance to buy a good home at an affordable price.

If you need help buying or selling this summer, please don't hesitate to contact me!