Six Strategies to Add Value to Your Phoenix Home

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Today, I want to discuss six ways to upgrade your home’s look, and add value while you’re at it. Many of these are fairly inexpensive, too!

  1. Reduce clutter. Over time, it’s normal to accumulate belongings to fill up your home. Start going through and clearing tabletops.

  1. Eliminate grunge. Sometimes, I open my garage and there’s stuff everywhere. Clean it and reduce the junk.

  1. Change lighting. Add or rearrange lamp fixtures. This one of the best and simplest ways to make a room appear bigger.

  1. Upgrade hardware. It always surprises me how adding new hardware makes such a big difference.

  1. Repaint. This is the least expensive yet most impactful way to upgrade your home’s look.

  1. Focus on decor. Sometimes, when you’ve had furniture for a long time, you want to invest in some new decor. This could include furniture, drapes, and other fixtures.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling in the Phoenix area, give me a call or send me an email. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about this topic or more!